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Rock Download Tristania - Discografia

Rock Download Best Tristania - Discografia album

Information about Tristania - Discografia has been submitted by admin.

Tristania - Discografia is among the most album we found on the net from reputable sources. We decide to explore this Tristania - Discografia album in this article because according to information coming from Google search engine, It's one of the top queries key word on google. And we also consider you arrived here were trying to find these records, are not You? From many choices on the net we are sure this album may well be a best reference for you, and we sincerely we do hope you are pleased with what we present.

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GêneroMetal gótico, Metal sinfônico
Período em atividade1995 - Currently
Members: Mariangela "Mary" Demurtas, Anders Hoyvik Hidle, Ole Vistness,
Gyri Losnegaard, Tarald Lie, Kjetil Nordhus, Einar Moen
Página oficial: www.tristania.com
Server: mega
[1997] - Tristania [Demo]


01 - Sirene
02 - Midwintertears
03 - Pale Enchantress
04 - Cease To Exist


[1998] - Widow's Weeds


01 - Preludium...
02 - Evenfall
03 - Pale Enchantress
04 - December Elegy
05 - Midwintertears
06 - Angellore
07 - My Lost Lenore
08 - Wasteland's Caress
09 - ...Postludium


[1999] - Beyond The Veil


01 - Beyond The Veil
02 - Aphelion
03 - A Sequel Of Decay
04 - Opus Relinque
05 - Lethean River
06 - ...Of Ruins And A Red Nightfall
07 - Simbelmynë
08 - Angina
09 - Heretique
10 - Dementia


[1999] - Widow's Tour


01 - Midwintertears
02 - My Lost Lenore
03 - December Elegy
04 - Pale Enchantress
05 - Evenfall
06 - Waste Land's Caress
07 - Angina
08 - Opus Relinque(Radio Edit)
09 - Saturnine


[2001] - Midwintertears-Angina


01 - Sirene
02 - Midwintertears
03 - Pale Enchantress
04 - Cease To Exist
05 - Angina
06 - Opus Relinque (Radio Edit)
07 - Saturnine


[2001] - World Of Glass


01 - The Shining Path
02 - Wormwood
03 - Tender Trip On Earth
04 - Lost
05 - Deadlocked
06 - Selling Out
07 - Hatred Grows
08 - World Of Glass
09 - Crushed Dreams
10 - The Modern End


[2005] - Ashes


01 - Libre
02 - Equilibrium
03 - The Wretched
04 - Cure
05 - Circus
06 - Shadowman
07 - The Gate (Bonus Track)
08 - Endogenisis
09 - Bird


[2007] - Illumination


01 - Mercyside
02 - Sanguine Sky
03 - Open Ground
04 - The Ravens
05 - Destination Departure
06 - Down
07 - Fate
08 - Lotus
09 - Sacrilege
10 - Deadlands
11 - Ab Initio (Bonus Track)
12 - In The Wake (Bonus Track)


[2010] - Rubicon


01 - Year Of The Rat
02 - Protection
03 - Patriot Games
04 - The passing
05 - Exile
06 - Sirens
07 - The Emerald Piper (Bonus Track)
08 - Vulture
09 - Amnesia
10 - Magical Fix
11 - Illumination
12 - Caprice (Bonus Track)


[2013] - Darkest White


01 - Number
02 - Darkest White
03 - Himmelfall
04 - Requiem
05 - Diagnosis
06 - Scarling
07 - Night On Earth
08 - Cathedral (Digipak Bonus Track)
09 - Lavender
10 - Cypher
11 - Arteries


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